I was on a some kind of reality show to find something but there was a Hulk that has a role as a chaser. I have to silently move and escape from Hulk but I got chased
Dreams about being on a reality show often symbolize feelings of being judged or scrutinized in waking life. The presence of the Hulk as a chaser could represent feelings of being pursued or threatened by something powerful or overwhelming. The Hulk is known for his strength and anger, so this could suggest feeling overwhelmed by intense emotions or situations.
Being chased in a dream can symbolize feeling pursued by unresolved issues, fears, or responsibilities. In this dream, you are trying to move silently and escape from the Hulk, indicating a desire to navigate this challenge cautiously and without drawing attention to yourself.
Overall, this dream may suggest feelings of pressure, vulnerability, and the need to navigate a challenging situation carefully in order to avoid feeling overwhelmed. It might be helpful to reflect on what the Hulk and the reality show could represent in your waking life and consider ways to address any underlying fears or stressors.